Button fixture NOVA for Easyclickpro switching receivers with mounting plate
Button fixture, single, for Easyclick-UP-Receiver-Transmitter, with mounting plate (D 451 FU-EBI UP o.A. and D 451 FU-EBIM UP o.A.).
Necessary equipment:
Switching receiver: https://www.enocean-alliance.org/product/peha_easyclick_up_receiver_transmitter_451_supporting_plate/
- Product No. D 20.420.022 (00029513)
- Manufacturer Honeywell PEHAhttp://www.peha.de
- Category Accessories, Other Accessories
- Frequency 868MHz (ASK): EU (and potentially others e.g. Non-EU Europe, China, Singapure…)
- Datasheet 00029513_EN_Datenblatt.pdf