z.B. Europa, China
CSV29 Energy Collector
When a Wireless Room Sensor is installed in areas with little or no natural light, use the Energy Collector model to harvest energy from an area with light and transfer it to the Wireless Room Sensor.
SHR29E Wireless Room Sensor (T/H)
Built-in temperature and humidity sensor Remote temperature sensor input Self-powered via ambient light energy (or 24Vac input) Large ambient light cell surface Optional backup battery for low light installations.
STR29E Wireless Room Sensor (T)
Built-in temperature sensor Remote temperature sensor input Self-powered via ambient light energy (or 24Vac input) Large ambient light cell surface Optional backup battery for low light installations.
SHS29E Wireless Room Sensor with User Controls (T/H)
Built-in temperature and humidity sensor Remote temperature sensor input Setpoint dial with 2 buttons for configurable peripheral applications Self-powered via ambient light energy (or 24Vac input) Large ambient light cell surface Optional backup battery for low light installations.
Vitec 1-Channel Plug-In Receiver
Vitec 1-Channel Plug-In Receiver.
Vitec Temperature and Humidity Sensor
Vitec Temperature and Humidity Sensor.