8 Channel Low Voltage Controller

The 8 Channel Low Voltage Controller connects wireless light switches and sensors to new or existing control systems. This low voltage on/off controller responds to up to 80 different transmitters and provides 8 output channels (dry contact or 8-30V for relay and contractor applications). The outputs can be programmed as either momentary or maintained contacts.

  • Produkt Nr. E9R-R04FP-8
  • Manufacturer ILLUMRAhttp://www.illumra.com/
  • Kategorie Beschattungs-Aktor, HKL-Aktoren (Heizung, Kühlung, Lüftung), Licht-Aktor (Schalten, Dimmen), Signalgeber (Status, Alarm), Sonstige Aktoren (Garagentor, …), Universal-Schaltaktor (potentialbehaftet/-frei)
  • Frequenz 902 MHz: USA, Kanada
  • RX-EEP F6-02-02, D5-00-01
  • Zertifizierung Self-Certified
