Eltako Funk-Steckdosen-Signalgeber FSSG-230V

Wireless signal generator adapter FSSG-230V 10 A/250 V AC. 100 x 55 x 45 mm (measure­ments without plug), pure white glossy. Additional an ­internal acoustic signal generator with a volume of at least 80 dB will flash a load connected to the plug. 230 V incandescent lamps and ­halogen lamps 1000 W, ESL and 230 V LED lamps up to 200 W. Bidirectional wireless is ­switchable. Standby loss only 0.8 watt. Smart Home actuator.

  • Produkt Nr. EAN 4010312323885
  • Manufacturer Eltakohttp://www.eltako.com/
  • Kategorie Netzstecker (Zwischenstecker, Steckdose), Signalgeber (Status, Alarm)
  • Frequenz 868 MHz (ASK): Europa (und eventuell andere, z.B. China)
  • RX-EEP F6-02-01
  • Zertifizierung Self-Certified
