MOS-MT IoT Ceiling Sensor

The IoT ceiling sensor (MOS-MT) is an ideal starting point for enhancing building performance and personnel productivity through the aggregation of wireless data.The IoT sensor offers motion, sound, temperature and light level monitoring for the collection and sharing of data for Internet of Things applications.The MOS-MT works with gateways/interfaces programmed to receive standardized generic EnOcean communication profiles.

  • Manufacturer Echoflex Solutions
  • Kategorie Helligkeit, Präsenz (Raum, Tisch, Stuhl, Bett), Temperatur (Luft, Flüssigkeit, Material)
  • Frequenz 868 MHz (ASK): Europa (und eventuell andere, z.B. China)
  • TX-EEP Generic Profile
  • Zertifizierung Self-Certified
