ALADIN Turo multisensor / wireless

Temperature / brightness / humidity / acceleration
Energy self-sufficient multi-sensor for recording temperature, brightness, humidity and acceleration. The energy supply is provided by an indoor solar cell. The sensor can be fitted with a button battery for use in darker rooms. The ALADIN Turo multisensor was developed in the same design as the ALADIN Turo wireless push-button especially for use in large buildings for installation on glass walls (back closed), but also for classic installation. The multisensor transmits its values/data to a higher-level control system using the « EnOcean » wireless protocol via ALADIN KNX gateways. The desired measured values can be set directly on the device via NFC.

  • Product No. 300395
  • Manufacturer Flextron
  • Category Autres capteurs (Pluie, débit, ...), Luminosité, Occupation (Salle, Bureau, Chaise, Lit), Qualité de l'air (T/H, CO₂, COVT, PM, dB, ...), Température (Air, Liquides, Matériaux)
  • Frequency 868 MHz (ASK): Europe, China
  • TX-EEP D5-00-01, A5-02-05, A5-04-01, A5-04-03, A5-06-02, A5-06-03, A5-14-05, D2-14-40, D2-14-41
  • Certification Alliance-Verified
