DALI-2 SpaceApp Microsensor

The DALI-2 microsensor incorporates responsive slight-motion detection features and is fully software-configurable to operate in presence or absence detection mode: the time-out period is software-adjustable while default illumination levels, set-back modes and other parameters are fully configurable. Delmatic’s Lightscape GUI including heatmapping and spatial occupancy mapping highlights the percentage usage of individual areas both in terms of the duration of occupancy (time over a period) and the percentage of space occupied during that period (for example partial occupancy of a meeting room). The microsensor forms part of the DALI network enabling data on occupancy to be shared via BACnet or MQTT with other building services systems to optimise overall sustainability and efficiency. The SpaceApp microsensor provides a modular square detection field enabling accurate and precise control of lighting as well as granular monitoring for accurate real-time space utilisation.

  • Product No. 164B1-GFO
  • Manufacturer Delmatic
  • Category Occupation (Salle, Bureau, Chaise, Lit)
  • Frequency 868 MHz (ASK): Europe, China
