EasySens® JOY SR HC
The design-oriented JOY SR HC 3AO provides three 0..10 V outputs for the control of heating/cooling valves or a 6-way valve. The 230 V powered type AO2DO offers relay outputs for controlling heating and cooling valves through PWM. In addition, EasySens® radio sensors (e.g.motion, temperature, window contacts) can be integrated wirelessly. An overwrite through radio is possible by using a superior controller profile or in hard-wired fashion via Modbus RS485. This ensures individual and energy-efficient room air conditioning. The device (glass front in white or black) uses a monochrome display and touch-sensitive operating keys. An integrated scheduler with three time channels, each with four different time periods allows for optimized energy control. The JOY is fitted to be installed in a flush-mounted standard EU box. For hotel applications, the device offers the possibility to integrate an additional zone (e.g. bathroom heating) in combination with a room temperature sensor and an SAB+/SAB05 radio valve actuator.
- Category Thermostat d'ambiance
- Frequency 868 MHz (ASK): Europe, China
- RX-EEP F6-02-01, D5-00-01, F6-10-00, A5-02-06, A5-02-16, A5-02-05, A5-10-03, A5-07-01, A5-08-01, F6-04-01, A5-20-12, A5-20-01
- TX-EEP A5-10-02, A5-10-06, A5-11-02, A5-20-01
- Certification Self-Certified