Eltako Wireless actuator Universal dimmer switch FUD71-230V

Universal dimmer switch, power MOSFET up to 400 W. Automatic lamp ­detection. With adjustable ­minimum brightness and dimming speed. With switching ­operation for light alarm clocks, children’s rooms and snooze function as well as constant light ­regulation and master-slave mode. Also with light scene control by PC or wireless pushbuttons. Encrypted ­wireless, bidirectional wire­less and repeater function are ­switchable. Only 0.7 watt standby loss.

  • Product No. 30100845
  • Manufacturer Eltakohttp://www.eltako.com/
  • Category Actionneur d'éclairage (commutation, variation), Actionneurs
  • Frequency 868 MHz (ASK): Europe, China
  • Certification Self-Certified
