Resonate Occupancy Sensor

ROS occupancy sensors are wireless, self-powered sensors that detect motion in room and office spaces. They feature excellent transmission range, advanced diagnostics and efficient solar power utilization in hallway, corner mount and wide angle models.

ROS sensors are one of the most technically advanced in the wireless controls industry. The sensors are designed to operate on a full charge for over 200 hours in total darkness. LED indication of radio range confirmation* and solar energy harvesting level evaluation (patent pending) are standard features.
*Range confirmation require F series of controller (902 MHz only)

Product Features

  • Available in 902, 868 MHz
  • Wireless, self powered
  • hallway, corner, or wide angle lens options
  • range confirmation with F – Series controllers
  • small motion detections
  • walk test feature allowing installer to test operation and installation location
  • adjustable sensitivity to prevent nuisance triggering
