EasySens® SR65

Energy-harvesting wireless sensor for measuring temperature in outdoor areas or industrial environments (for example in cold stores, production halls and warehouses). The airConfig software can be used to parameterize the SR65 to customized measurement ranges, transmission intervals and wake-up times. When used in dark places (e.g. server rooms), a backup battery can be inserted.

  • Manufacturer Thermokonhttp://www.thermokon.de
  • Category Capteurs, Qualité de l'air (T/H, CO₂, COVT, PM, dB, ...), Température (Air, Liquides, Matériaux)
  • Frequency 868 MHz (ASK): Europe, China
  • TX-EEP A5-02-01, A5-02-02, A5-02-03, A5-02-04, A5-02-05, A5-02-06, A5-02-07, A5-02-08, A5-02-09, A5-02-0A, A5-02-0B, A5-02-10, A5-02-11, A5-02-12, A5-02-13, A5-02-14, A5-02-15, A5-02-16, A5-02-17, A5-02-18, A5-02-19, A5-02-1A, A5-02-1B, A5-02-20, A5-02-30
  • Certification Self-Certified
