Eltako Wireless universal dimming actuator FD62NPN-230V

Wireless universal dimming actuator. With power MOSFET. Dimmable 230 V LED lamps in ‘phase cut-off’ mode up to 300 W or in ‘phase control’ mode up to 100 W depending on ventilation conditions. 230 V incandescent lamps and halogen lamps up to 300 W depending on ventilation conditions. No inductive (wound) transformers. With children‘s rooms and snooze ­function. No minimum load. ­Only 0.5 watt standby loss.

  • Product No. 30100535
  • Manufacturer Eltakohttp://www.eltako.com/
  • Category Actionneur d'éclairage (commutation, variation), Actionneurs
  • Frequency 868 MHz (ASK): Europe, China
  • Certification Self-Certified
