Eltako Wireless window multisensor in the rebate with battery mTronic

Wireless window multisensor in the rebate with battery ­(lifetime several years) 135 x 18 x 9 mm, light grey. With intelligent burglary detection in mode 1 and 2 (locking monitoring). An alarm signal is sent when the window is opened at the locked and tilted position. Fixing by screwing in the window frame, between frame and sash on PVC or wooden doors and windows, in accordance with the manual.

  • Product No. 30000033
  • Manufacturer Eltakohttp://www.eltako.com/
  • Category Capteurs, Position (Fenêtre, Porte, Poignée, ...)
  • Frequency 868 MHz (ASK): Europe, China
  • TX-EEP A5-14-0A
  • Certification Self-Certified
