Eltako Wireless outdoor motion/brightness sensor FABH130/230V-rw
Wireless outdoor motion/brightness sensor pure white, 130 x 85 x 100 mm, protection class IP55. 1 NO contact not potential free 10 A/250 V AC, incandescent lamps 2300 Watt. Power supply 230 V. Only 0.9 watt standby loss. The wireless sensor can be taught in the actuators listed below and in Professional Smart Home controller: FSR14, FSR61, FSR71.
Eltako Wireless universal actuator FUA12-230V
Wireless universal actuator with exchangeable antenna. Impulse switch with integrated relay function with 1 change over contact potential free 10 A/250 V AC, incandescent lamps up to 2000 W, with DX technology. Bidirectional. Encrypted wireless. Only 0.9 watt standby loss.
Eltako Wireless DALI gateway FDG71L-230V
Wireless DALI gateway, bidirectional. 2 watt standby loss.
Eltako Wireless actuator Heating/cooling relay FHK61SSR-230V
Noiseless single room control, 400 W. Solid state relay not potential free. Only 0.8 watt standby loss. Encrypted wireless, bidirectional wireless and repeater function are switchable.
Eltako Wireless actuator Heating/cooling relay FHK61U-230V
1 NO contact potential free 10 A/250 V AC. Only 0.8 watt standby loss. Encrypted wireless, bidirectional wireless and repeater function are switchable.
Eltako 2 channel wireless actuator Impulse switch with integr. relay function FSR71NP-2x-230V
2-channel impulse switch with integrated relay function, 1 NO contact each not potential free 16 A/250 V AC, 230 V LED lamps up to 400 W, incandescent lamps 2000 watts. With light scene control by PC or wireless pushbuttons. Encrypted wireless, bidirectional wireless and repeater function are switchable. Only 0.8 watt standby loss.
Eltako Wireless weather data transmitter module FWS61-24V DC
Wireless weather data transmitter module for the seven weather items sent by the multisensor MS. With internal antenna. Only 0.3 watt standby loss.
Eltako Wireless actuator Heating/cooling relay FHK61-230V
1 NO contact potential free 10 A/250 V AC. Only 0.8 watt standby loss. Encrypted wireless, bidirectional wireless and repeater function are switchable.
Eltako Wireless actuator Multifunction time relay FMZ61-230V
1 NO contact potential free 10 A/250 V AC, 230 V LED lamps up to 400 W, incandescent lamps up to 2000 watts.* Encrypted wireless, bidirectional wireless and repeater function are switchable. Only 0.8 watt standby loss.
Eltako Wireless 2-fold transmitter module FSM61-UC
Wireless 2-fold transmitter module. With internal antenna. No standby loss.