Eltako Wireless actuator for shading elements and roller shutters, 230 V FSB71-230V
Switch actuator for shading elements and roller shutters for one 230 V motor. 1+1 NO contact 4 A/250 V AC, not potential free. Encrypted wireless, bidirectional wireless and repeater function are switchable. Only 0.8 watt standby loss.
Eltako 4 channel wireless actuator Impulse switch with integr. relay function FSR71NP-4x-230V
4-channel impulse switch with integrated relay function, 1 NO contact each not potential free 4 A/250 V AC. 230 V LED lamps up to 200 W, incandescent lamps 1000 watts. With light scene control by PC or wireless pushbuttons. Encrypted wireless, bidirectional wireless and repeater function are switchable. Only 0.8 watt standby loss.
Eltako 2 channel wireless actuator Impulse switch with integr. relay function FSR71-2x-230V
2-channel impulse switch with integrated relay function, 1 NO contact each potential free 16 A/250 V AC, 230 V LED lamps up to 400 W, incandescent lamps 2000 watts. With light scene control by PC or wireless pushbuttons. Encrypted wireless, bidirectional wireless and repeater function are switchable. Only 0.8 watt standby loss.
Eltako Wireless actuator Impulse switch with integr. relay function FSR71NP-230V
Impulse switch with integrated relay function, 1 NO contact not potential free 16 A/250 V AC, 230 V LED lamps up to 400 W, incandescent lamps 2000 watts. With light scene control by PC or wireless pushbuttons. Encrypted wireless, bidirectional wireless and repeater function are switchable. Only 0.8 watt standby loss.
Eltako Wireless DALI gateway FDG71L-230V
Wireless DALI gateway, bidirectional. 2 watt standby loss.
Eltako Wireless actuator Heating/cooling relay FHK61SSR-230V
Noiseless single room control, 400 W. Solid state relay not potential free. Only 0.8 watt standby loss. Encrypted wireless, bidirectional wireless and repeater function are switchable.
Eltako Wireless actuator for shading elements and roller shutters FSB61NP-230V
1+1 NO contact not potential free 4 A/250 V AC, for roller blinds and shading systems. Encrypted wireless, bidirectional wireless and repeater function are switchable. Only 0.9 watt standby loss.
Eltako Wireless actuator Staircase off-delay timer FTN61NP-230V
1 NO contact not potential free 10 A/250 V AC, 230 V LED lamps up to 400 W, incandescent lamps up to 2000 watts, off delay with switch-off early warning and switchable pushbutton permanent light. Encrypted wireless, bidirectional wireless and repeater function are switchable. Only 0.8 watt standby loss.
Eltako Wireless actuator multifunction impulse switch, 1+1 NO contacts 10 A FMS61NP-230V
1+1 NO contacts not potential free 10 A/250 V AC, 230 V LED lamps up to 400 W, incandescent lamps up to 2000 watts. Encrypted wireless, bidirectional wireless and repeater function are switchable. Only 0.8 watt standby loss.
Eltako Wireless actuator Impulse switch with integr. relay function FSR61NP-230V
1 NO contact not potential free 10 A/250 V AC, 230 V LED lamps up to 400 W, incandescent lamps up to 2000 watts, off delay with switch-off early warning and switchable pushbutton permanent light. Encrypted wireless, bidirectional wireless and repeater function are switchable. Only 0.8 watt standby loss.