EasySens® JOY SR HC
The design-oriented JOY SR HC 3AO provides three 0..10 V outputs for the control of heating/cooling valves or a 6-way valve. The 230 V powered type AO2DO offers relay outputs for controlling heating and cooling valves through PWM. In addition, EasySens® radio sensors (e.g.motion, temperature, window contacts) can be integrated wirelessly. An overwrite through radio
EasySens® JOY SR Fancoil
The design-oriented JOY SR Fan coil with its EasySens® radio interface is used for individual temperature control and activation of fan coil units in hotels, offices and living rooms. The JOY is designed for 2- or 4-pipe systems and offers change-over functionality. Two configurable inputs can be used to account for room occupancy and energy
EnOcean Wireless Temperature Sensor
Measure and monitor changes in ambient temperature in each room, cabinet or zone, in real time Our wireless temperature sensors measure the ambient temperature in each room, cabinet or zone. The small, solar-powered sensors use ultra-low power wireless technology, making them easy to install and very low maintenance. Optional battery back-up available for low-light environments.
EnOcean Wireless Temperature and Humidity Sensor
Measure and monitor the ambient thermal conditions in each room or zone, in real time Our wireless multi-sensors measure the ambient temperature and relative humidity in each room, cabinet or zone. The small, solar-powered sensors use ultra-low power wireless technology, making them easy to install and very low maintenance. Optional battery back-up version available for
EnOcean Wireless Dry Contact Sensor
Get real-time alerts about the contact status of essential equipment, such as UPS status, security systems, fire alarms or air conditioning units Our wireless dry contact sensors monitor the status of any equipment that has a volt-free, dry contact output, such as UPS status, security systems, fire alarms or air conditioning units. The small, energy
EnOcean Wireless Door and Window Sensor
Know whether doors and windows are open or closed, in real time Pressac’s wireless current sensors (CT) measure the alternating current (AC) and report the average of 5 measurements every 30 seconds. The small, energy-harvesting devices use ultra-low power wireless and battery-less technology making them easy to install and very low maintenance. They simply clip
EnOcean Wireless Desk Occupancy Sensor
Accurately detect when a desk is occupied and monitor ongoing desk occupancy Pressac’s wireless EnOcean desk occupancy sensors accurately detect and monitor passive infrared radiation (PIR) emitted by a person sitting at a desk. When a person enters the sensor’s field of view, the sensor detects motion and tells you someone is present within that
EnOcean Wireless Three Channel CT Clamp
Measure energy consumption at a circuit, zone or machine level, in real time Pressac’s wireless current sensors (CT) measure the alternating current (AC) and report the average of 5 measurements every 30 seconds. The small, energy-harvesting devices use ultra-low power wireless and battery-less technology making them easy to install and very low maintenance. They simply
EnOcean Wireless Single Channel CT Clamp
Measure energy consumption at a circuit, zone or machine level, in real time Pressac’s wireless current sensors (CT) measure the alternating current (AC) and report the average of 5 measurements every 30 seconds. The small, energy-harvesting devices use ultra-low power wireless and battery-less technology making them easy to install and very low maintenance. They simply
EMDC(J) Easyfit motion detection with illumination sensor is a self-powered device that monitors the environment for person movement using a passive infrared (PIR) sensor and measures the light level via a dedicated illumination sensor. Detected movement and the measured illumination level are communicated wirelessly using EnOcean advertising telegrams according to the EnOcean sensor specification. EMDC