STM 42x – Wireless Sensor Module
月曜日, 06 7月 2020
by jpelka
The extremely power saving RF transmitter module STM 32
TR9277-EO CO2, Temp & RH Transmitter, Indoor Ambient Light Powered
月曜日, 06 7月 2020
by jpelka
The TR9277-EO from AirTest is a wireless, CO2, Temperat
EasySens® SR65-3AI
土曜日, 04 7月 2020
by jpelka
The SR65-3AI has 3x 0..10 V inputs. The inputs can be w
HVAC Setback Module
金曜日, 03 7月 2020
by jpelka
The Magnum HVAC Setback Module is a simple way to save
TCM 300 / TCM 320 – Programmable Wireless Transceiver Module
木曜日, 02 7月 2020
by jpelka
The programmable transceiver modules enables the reali
MOS-DT Ceiling Mount PIR and Acoustic Occupancy / Vacancy sensor
水曜日, 17 6月 2020
by jpelka
Solar powered wireless ceiling mount PIR and acoustic o
TAP-31 Light Sensor, 0-1024 lux / 0-65535 lux
火曜日, 16 6月 2020
by jpelka
Photo sensor for daylight harvesting applications suita
Switching actuator 1-channel miniS01
火曜日, 02 6月 2020
The Omnio switch actuator 1-channel miniS01 is a real p
EnOcean Smart Gateway (PEG – E)
月曜日, 18 5月 2020
Get instant access to real-time data locally or in the