WaterSensor con


For the detection of accumulations of water at defined horizontal surfaces or positions (e.g. in the area of fittings washing machines, coffee makers with water connection, etc.). Suitable for water.


WaterSensor con features a conductivity sensor at the bottom. The energy required to send an EnOcean® telegram is generated by means of an integrated photovoltaic cell. An optional battery can be used for application in darker rooms. An extension cable is available for separate mounting of sensor and wireless transmitter. WaterSensor con cyclically transmits the actual ambient temperature and the logical state of the conductivity sensor (conductive liquid present or not present) and also sends a telegram when the state changes via the integrated EnOcean® wireless module to the water valve WaterControl 01 or to the AFRISO gateway. WaterControl 01 can close the water pipe in response to an event message to keep further water from escaping. The AFRISOhome gateway transmits alarm messages. and status messages via WLAN, LAN and GSM to the person in charge (for example, to the owner, the facility manager, the janitor or other configured contacts); the message includes information on which water sensor has signalled the state transition. The AFRISOhome gateway in conjunction with additional AFRISO products with EnOcean® wireless technology allows the user to configure a whole range of fully customisable, extensible applications.

  • Manufacturer AFRISOhttp://www.afriso.de
  • Category Leakage (Water, Oil, …), Sensors
  • Frequency 868MHz (ASK): EU (and potentially others e.g. Non-EU Europe, China, Singapure…)
  • TX-EEP A5-30-03
  • Certification Self-Certified
