
Previously sophisticated visualizations were time-consuming and therefore costly. This changes with the new CubeVision of BAB TECHNOLOGIE. The “Cube” is generated automatically. Just create the building structure, link the group addresses and the rest is done by itself. The new CubeVision is part of the eibPort Version 3.

  • Manufacturer b.a.b-technologie
  • Category Gateway: KNX, Gateway: TCP/ IP, Gateways
  • Frequency 868MHz (ASK): EU (and potentially others e.g. Non-EU Europe, China, …)
  • RX-EEP A5-02-01, A5-02-02, A5-02-03, A5-02-04, A5-02-05, A5-02-06, A5-02-07, A5-02-08, A5-02-09, A5-02-0A, A5-02-0B, A5-02-10, A5-02-11, A5-02-12, A5-02-13, A5-02-14, A5-02-15, A5-02-16, A5-02-17, A5-02-18, A5-02-19, A5-02-1A, A5-02-1B, A5-02-20, A5-02-30, A5-04-01, A5-04-02, A5-04-03, A5-06-01, A5-06-02, A5-07-01, A5-07-02, A5-07-03, A5-08-01, A5-08-02, A5-08-03, A5-09-04, A5-10-01, A5-10-02, A5-10-03, A5-10-04, A5-10-05, A5-10-06, A5-10-07, A5-10-08, A5-10-09, A5-10-0A, A5-10-0B, A5-10-0C, A5-10-0D, A5-10-10, A5-10-11, A5-10-12, A5-10-13, A5-10-14, A5-11-01, A5-12-01, A5-20-01, A5-20-04, A5-20-12, A5-30-01, A5-30-02, A5-38-08, D2-03-20, D2-06-01, D5-00-01, F6-02-01, F6-02-02, F6-02-03, F6-03-01, F6-03-02, F6-04-01, F6-05-00, F6-05-01, F6-05-02, F6-10-00
