BWT AQA Guard Wireless Sensor

Tap water damage is increasing year by year. More than every second household has been affected at some point. The consequences are incalculable. While financial damage can at least be replaced with a lot of effort, some memories are irretrievable if, in the worst case, they go down with your basement.

The wireless and battery-free “AQA Guard Wireless” radio monitors protect you from this in combination with either the BWT Perla model series or an AQA Stop Wireless system. A possible water leak is detected in up to 10 places in the house, e.g. in the kitchen and bathroom, and transmitted to the control unit of your BWT pearl water system – and the BWT Best Water Home app on your smartphone – or the AQA Stop Wireless leak protection system. The ingenious thing about it: the system works without a battery!

Our  AQA Guard Wireless video  shows you how it works. Pairing it is also very easy – see the video on  activating the AQA Guard Wireless.

  • Product No. 011772
  • Manufacturer BWT
  • Category Leakage (Water, Oil, …)
  • Frequency 868MHz (ASK): EU (and potentially others e.g. Non-EU Europe, China, …)
