EasySens® STC-DO Blind

Bidirectional flush-mounted receiving actuator for blind applications compatible with EasySens® wireless switches and room operating units. The functions can be parameterised via programming button.

  • Manufacturer Thermokonhttp://www.thermokon.de
  • Category Actuators, Light-Actuator (Switch, Dim)
  • Frequency 868MHz (ASK): EU (and potentially others e.g. Non-EU Europe, China, …)
  • RX-EEP F6-02-01, F6-03-01, F6-10-00, D5-00-01, A5-06-02, A5-08-01, A5-08-02, A5-08-03, A5-13-01, A5-30-02, A5-38-08, A5-3F-00, A5-06-01
  • TX-EEP A5-11-03, A5-30-02
  • Certification Self-Certified
