wibutler pro

Integral building control system / automation for all applications in building technology. A multitude of different components / devices are networked regardless of the manufacturer into an intelligent building automation system.

  • Manufacturer wibutlerhttps://www.wibutler.com/
  • Category Gateway: TCP/ IP, Gateways, Smart Home Controller (Hardware, Software)
  • Frequency 868MHz (ASK): EU (and potentially others e.g. Non-EU Europe, China, …)
  • RX-EEP A5-02-0A, A5-02-0B, A5-02-01, A5-02-1A, A5-02-1B, A5-02-02, A5-02-03, A5-02-04, A5-02-05, A5-02-06, A5-02-07, A5-02-08, A5-02-09, A5-02-10, A5-02-11, A5-02-13, A5-02-14, A5-02-15, A5-02-16, A5-02-17, A5-02-18, A5-02-19, A5-04-01, A5-04-02, A5-07-01, A5-09-08, A5-09-09, A5-10-03, A5-10-12, A5-12-01, A5-14-01, A5-20-04, A5-30-01, A5-30-03, D5-00-01, F6-02-03, F6-05-01, F6-10-00
  • Certification Self-Certified
