Smart Bulding Controller myGEKKO Slide 2

myGEKKO paves the way to a complete controlling of the entire building with all its units from lighting, heating over entry, alarm and climate control to multimedia equipment. Via the uniform, intutítive and user-friendly control interface of the myGEKKO Touch system, the single systems can be personalized and timers as well as individual scenarios can be defined without any further technical support.

  • Product No. GES.BCO.SLH.0L01
  • Manufacturer myGEKKO
  • Category Building Controller (Hardware, Software), Gateway: BACnet, Gateway: DALI, Gateway: GSM/LTE, Gateway: KNX, Gateway: Modbus, Gateway: Other, Gateway: RS232, Gateway: RS485, Gateway: TCP/ IP, Gateway: USB, Gateways
  • Frequency 868MHz (ASK): EU (and potentially others e.g. Non-EU Europe, China, …)
  • RX-EEP All EEPs
  • Certification Self-Certified
