EnOcean Easyclick thermostat receiver, flush mounting

Easyclick thermostat receiver for flush mounting, living space function for regulating heating temperature ON/ OFF: The receiver compares the room temperature transmitted by the room temperature sensor with the entered setpoint. A smaller value switches the relay ON, a higher value OFF (thermostat function). The relay output can be used directly to actuate 230 Vac thermal two-point valves. The energy lock function can be used for up to 10 programmed window contacts. When the window is closed, the receiver switches the actuator to OFF.

Technical data:
Supply voltage: 230 Vac, 50 Hz
Switching output: changeover contact, max 2500 W
Screw type terminals: max 1.5 mm²
Rating: IP 20 according to EN 60529
Installation: in flush mounting socket with blank cover and cable outlet
Housing height: 28 mm

  • Product No. D 451 FU-E RTR o.T. (00312296)
  • Manufacturer Honeywell PEHAhttp://www.peha.de
  • Category HVAC-Actuator (Heating, Cooling, Ventilation)
  • Frequency 868MHz (ASK): EU (and potentially others e.g. Non-EU Europe, China, …)
  • Certification Self-Certified
