Smart Nurse Call

The Smart Nurse Call (SMC) is a wireless system that features both, a nurse and a porter calls and provides an ideal solution for hospitals or infirmaries to efficiently deal with requests from different areas within a building. The system is based in the Enocean technology which integrates a wireless battery-less switch and a nurse/porter call indication system. The low profile wireless switch allows great flexibility for the user to place it in any place within the served room and it also simplifies the installation process for building administrators. The system features two beacon lights to indicate that there is a pending request for either porter (blue beacon light) or a nurse (red beacon) calls. The system is also equipped with a sounder with customizable sounds that provides an identification of where a nurse/porter call was generated. Additionally, the system can be used with either Wi-Fi or Ethernet connections to a local server so that a map of the alarms can be displayed in a screen or tablet.

  • Manufacturer Smart-Buildings
  • Category Gateway: TCP/ IP, Service-/Emergency button/switch, Signals (Status, Alarms)
  • Frequency 868MHz (ASK): EU (and potentially others e.g. Non-EU Europe, China, …)
  • TX-EEP F6-01-01
  • Certification Self-Certified
