Eltako Wireless CO2 desktop sensor temperature+­humidity sensor and signal FCO2TS-wg

Dimensions: 85 x 85 x 65 mm. With slip-resistant plastic feet. With controlled LED display ­according to the ambient air quality and brightness. Additionally with warning signal at level red. Standby loss only 0.4 watts on average. Power supply with enclosed plug-in power supply with 200 cm connection cable.

  • Product No. 30065278
  • Manufacturer Eltakohttp://www.eltako.com/
  • Category Air quality (T/H, CO2, TVOC, PM, dB, ..), Temperature (Air, Liquids, Materials)
  • Frequency 868MHz (ASK): EU (and potentially others e.g. Non-EU Europe, China, …)
  • TX-EEP A5-09-04
  • Certification Self-Certified
