Self-powered building automation standards deliver unlimited flexibility
Flexibility is the greatest potential that investors can tap for their commercial buildings. The days when a finished building served only one customer and one purpose are long gone. Particularly in large cities, with their fast pace of life, builders must be able to remodel commercial buildings as quickly as possible and with a minimum of effort.
A new generation of building automation solutions based on self-powered wireless switches and sensors is the answer – retaining flexibility and adaptability and allowing the needs of a succession of occupiers to be addressed fully at minimal expense. They rely on modern wireless protocols for communication and, more importantly, generate the necessary electricity themselves, which means they are not dependent on batteries.
As a result, they give investors unprecedented flexibility in outfitting new commercial buildings. Space whose purpose or use is not yet known can be placed into service with one or two room thermostats, a couple of transmitters and switches for lighting and shading without having to lay any new cables. A tenant can add to these systems nearly at will and integrate them into the building control technology.
