EiMSIG Window and Glass Breakage Sensor
The EiMSIG Window and Glass Breakage Sensor detects the window states open, closed, and tilted. The integrated function of glass breakage monitoring further allows the sensor to watch for vibrations in the glass. More information: www.fenstersensor.com
- Product No. EM-FGSE-00
- Manufacturer Eimsighttp://www.eimsig.de
- Category Other sensors (Rain, flow, vibration…), Sensors
- Frequency 868 MHz (ASK): Europe, China
- TX-EEP A5-14-0A, A5-14-09, A5-14-08, A5-14-07, A5-14-03, A5-14-01
- Certification Self-Certified
- Datasheet Datenblatt_EN_EiMSIG_EM-FGSE-00.pdf
- Other Downloads https://www.fenstersensor.com