EBox 3.0 EnOcean to BACnet gateway
Magnum’s EnOcean to BACnet gateway (MX-EBOX) is an easy to use, high performance building automation protocol gateway for integrators to interface EnOcean devices (ie sensors, actuators, switches) to BACnet networks in commercial buildings, campuses, industrial facilities and more. The eBox is the quick and easy solution to any integrators BACnet needs. With no programming or scripting, integrators don’t need to be experts to connect wireless devices to a BACnet IP based system. In addition to the eBox, Magnum’s AirConfig tool is utilized to configure the device prior to point discovery.
- Product No. M9-EBOX3.0
- Category Gateway: BACnet, Gateways
- Frequency 902 MHz: USA, Canada
- Certification Self-Certified